Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Weirdness

I've gone to bed two nights in a row at 9:30pm...I didn't fall fast asleep each time, but I was flat on my back in bed.  I never quit the day that early.

I've had dreams, weird, disconnected, strange can't remember a damn thing in the morning dreams.  I never dream.

I'm exhausted.

Maybe it's back to work...maybe it's the multiplication of distractions...maybe it's the sheer number of irons in the fire almost immediately after the summer ended...a new side gig, the start of something big, this evening gone, and that evening committed to this, or that...and before I looked up, BAM...I was crowding myself out of my comfort zone. shouldn't get too comfortable anyway I've been told.  You should push yourself a little...get comfortable being uncomfortable, they say.

Maybe I'm going to bed at 9:30pm because my body and mind are telling me to go to bed at 9:30pm? It's no big's helped me blog again...and I'm's just strange to go to bed a half hour after my four year old daughter.

Maybe I'm subconsciously amping up for something awesome and I don't even know it?  Or...maybe I'm just tired. Either way, the weirdness of it all can fade any time soon and I'd be okay with that.  It feels as though I'm living someone else's life each night and that's odd.  9:30pm...shameful...but the alternative?  TIgers baseball, I guess...mind numbing television that I don't care about, I suppose...exercise, no way.


OR...I'm just figuring myself out.  Who needs to get that grumpy laying on the couch and then dragging their carcass off to find bed at midnight?  Why wouldn't I dive into rest when my body hints at it?  Who needs prime time television when prime time television sucks mustard?  There are books to be read, and  blog posts to be written, and I never fail to smile when I first crawl under those cool sheets.  Maybe this is a good thing?  Maybe I've needed this...and needed this for a awhile?  Maybe this is normal?

Tell me, does everyone fall asleep before they can pick a movie on Netflix?


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