The Zoey Blog: Bachaan Rode a #$%&ing Camel...and Other Assorted Tales of Goodness FINAL - COVER UNIVERSE EXPLORERS ORDER

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Bachaan Rode a #$%&ing Camel...and Other Assorted Tales of Goodness

Riding a camel!

Bachaan rode a damned camel!  She did.  At the Zoo...the Cleveland Zoo.  Her and Zoey paid $5 each and sat on the same damn wobbly camel and trotted off in search of comfort.  They found none.  It was a bumpy ride, no pun intended.  Bachaan got thrown around like one of Zoey's dolls and all we could was laugh and snap photos.  Zoey was grinning from ear to ear, but Bachaan may very well have ridden her last camel.

Two worn out passengers

We spent all day Sunday at the Cleveland Metropolitan Zoo, and it was easily the best zoo that we've ever been too, hands down, which may be one of the weirdest phrases ever...what the hell does hands down even mean?  By day's end we had a long drive back to Canada and a quiet van.  The trips' two besties, Bachaan and Zo slipped into a sweet, well earned slumber.

Le sigh.

Everyone should have a Bachaan like we do.


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