The Zoey Blog: Christmas Day Links... FINAL - COVER UNIVERSE EXPLORERS ORDER

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Day Links...

First, you shouldn't even be reading this blog. It's Christmas Day...go find some friends.  Second, I love you all the same, and so I give you links. 'Cause, you know, nothing says love like live links. Here you go.  Merry Christmas and all that.

All I want for Christmas...

There are some genuinely moving photos in this Pete Souza light box on President Obama.  My favorites are of the President and his wife and daughters.

OMG...funniest thing in just about forever.

Nice girls are hard to find.

Good read.  Frightening politics.


Some days this could be the kind of mantra that gets me through.

I gotta tell you, my friend Ally's Tumblr site is like a daily vacation to awesomeland for me.  Not necessarily because of the content, but because of it's context...she's young, and smart, and funny, and wide open to inspiration.

This Nicholas Jackson print is amazing.

The only number that needs remembering.

Goonies Never Say Die, and that's worth remembering.

Absolutely it is.


I'm not so sure if I've ever wanted to see a movie as bad as I want to see this one.

Holy seems easy enough but odds are I'd bungle it.

Kinda brilliant.

Must have.

Somehow I'm getting a print of this bugger.

See these t-shirts? Well, I'm buying about twelve of them over the holidays 'cause they're the best thing since Jesus grabbed a skateboard.  Seriously.

My God...I could watch Corinne Bailey Rae all day long...all day.

Flat out awesome.

I'd sell someone else's foot for this toy...or this one. I've waited my entire life...okay, since I was  nine years old, for one of these. That's a long time!

Check out The Chairman.  Fella oozes it...oozes it.

OMG...I want this.

Best advice I can muster this Christmas Eve.  Take care of yourselves everyone.  Mucho love and giant heaping piles of sweet affection.  If I could kiss you from here above this keyboard I would.  Be good.


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