Two Out of Three...
In the immortal words of Meatloaf...c'mon, like you've never quoted Meatloaf before...
Two out of three aint bad...because it isn't. They don't just make those old sayings up, you know.
What are the odds? What are the odds that I could end up with three phenomenal girls in my home...waking me up each morning...laughing from the other room...staring blankly at the strange behaviours of the lone man in their house? What are the odds that I'd be so blessed with three? You'd imagine that two out of three would be something of a cosmic coup, wouldn't you? But no, thus far I have three, and I'm not apologizing. I'll brag, and show them off, and wax on endlessly about their sublime perfection...but I won't feel bad that I've been this blessed. Nope. Go look for guilt in some other corner. This one's reserved for people who quote Meatloaf and feel like they won the lottery.
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