Two Girls...Seven Weeks
Since so many people insist that Zoey and Maggie look so similar (and to be fair, a good many think they look nothing alike), June slapped together a quick comparison...both at seven weeks, both looking fairly, I dunno, out-of-it in a baby kind of way...neither looking much like the other.
I think the potential exists that we have sisters that end up looking nothing blonde haired, and one black or brown haired...different noses, different chins, even different colored eyes...which I think who would be preferred by the girls themselves. Trust me, growing up a twin, it's nice to not have to work for your individuality. I can't imagine who sisters wanting to look alike, not if given the choice to look entirely like themselves and no one else.
One fair, one dark...o ne blue eyed, and one brown...both happy. I think we'll keep them.
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