Once Upon a Time...
Once upon a time there was a little family that had started as just an idea that basked in the warm Southern California sunshine, in a hotel room along the freeway in San Clemente, California. You could see the ocean from the room, and smell the Surfin' Donuts below. The traffic from El Camino Real rushed past, and in that morning light two people who loved each other very much decided that, yes, they could do this giant thing, and so they got more and more used to the idea every day.
First there was a daughter, a beautiful, healthy little girl...Zoey Sakura, and she changed their world so entirely that they hardly recognized themselves. This blog began keeping track of those changes, and the words that we used to describe them pulled in friends and strangers. At times I swear it saved us...at least it saved him. Then came another girl, a New York girl. As much as Zoey was born out of unfiltered California sunshine, Maggie was something that grew into being from the meandering sidestreets of Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn. That's where the idea of her first breathed oxygen. Of course we could do that giant thing again. It wasn't that difficult, was it? I didn't remember. I think it was, but we managed the last one pretty good, didn't we? Still, I think it was pretty hard. Turns out, yes, it was pretty difficult, but it was also pretty amazing.
Once upon a time this was all just an idea.
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