Monday, August 13, 2012

Half Gone...

Summer collage 1 Kid pack Summer collage 2

Summer is over half gone and it feels like we've never really been on our game.  Now with baby #2 almost here we're in a bit of a holding pattern but excited at the prospect of closing the summer out in awesome fashion.  It's been a difficult one.  Poor health, and some bad luck have done a number on us, and not taking a giant chunk and heading off back to Brooklyn or elsewhere was more difficult than we expected.  We've come to be a little spoiled.  Still, it was summer, and Zed, like any child, found ways to enjoy it...even if her parents were struggling a little to piece it together.  There's been lakes and dogs and farms and hot dogs...lots of hot dogs...swimming pools, and friends.  It's been hot...SO hot...and the nights have echoed with Tiger games and teasing.  Despite the universe's best efforts, it still feels like summer. Kind of ridiculously excited for Fall though.  Even Zed has began talking about the Fall.  I think it's her favorite time of year...cooler temps, leaves falling, autumn fairs, and football games.  Smart kid.  It's always been her Dad's favorite too.  This Fall we're gonna make up for a half-lost June and July.  Falling leaves and rising expectations...that's how we're gonna roll.  Any ideas?  The plan is not let a single weekend slip by without disgusting amounts of fun.


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