The Zoey Blog: Even Fairies Need Adjusting Once in Awhile... FINAL - COVER UNIVERSE EXPLORERS ORDER

Monday, October 31, 2011

Even Fairies Need Adjusting Once in Awhile...

Zeds costume adjustment
Zed's ridiculously sweet homemade Tinkerbell part, the shoes.

There will be more pics of Zed's third Halloween on this planet to follow, but in the meantime know that our days of tricking her into wearing something ridiculous are over...maybe. This year it was Tinkerbell or bust. Daddy was hoping for Team Zissou but that may have to wait for another distant year. Of course, this ridiculous costume deal would have been nice also.

When Zoey was just 9 months old she dressed up as Ernest Hemingway...the Ketchum, Idaho Ernest. Then last year she was a battered and bruised Notre Dame cheerleader, and even won some serious praise in a local paper. This year...Tinkerbell. The thing that made it all much more than tolerable, however, was the fact that it was a homemade costume...and a stellar homemade costume thanks to Mummy, and the fact that she chose it...not her mean and conniving parents. Good for her.

There are more pictures to follow...I promise...and maybe a Halloween story or two. Right now, there's a sugar buzzed funster still awake in her room after Mom laid with her for nearly two hours. Happy Halloween everyone!


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