The Zoey Blog: Water Park, Schwater Park FINAL - COVER UNIVERSE EXPLORERS ORDER

Monday, July 4, 2011

Water Park, Schwater Park

Blanket art studio
Zo playing with Daddy's uber-portable mini art studio. Perfect for the uber-prepared.

Kids should freak out at a water park right? Zo did the first time that we took her...not this time. We've been back to the Spray Park three times and now it's old hat. She splashed around for a little while today and then wanted to chill on the blanket with Daddy and draw stuff.


Camp Zed is full of don't try to figure your two year old out, 'cause you can't. Forty squealing kids and mind-blowing water fun no less than thirty feet away and she doesn't even care. Instead she lays on the blanket, covers herself with a towel, and smiles at me with deadly eyes.

"I love you Daddy," she whispers.

"I love you right back...times ten," I answer.

More smiles. What water park?


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