The Kiss
A reassuring kiss in the wake of the Vancouver Stanley Cup riots - Photo by Richard Lam
You can see the world any way you like but this is how I want to see it. Wow.
I wonder how iconic this image might become? Could it possibly come to rival the VJ-Day Kiss in TImes Square photo? You'd think not, but the thing has gone absolutely viral all over the internet, and it's stunning, absolutely beautiful. Here's The Huffington Post story about it. Thanks to our favorite lil' Woo for posting it and pointing it out. Here's the story that the Van Sun printed.
I can't stop looking at it. It's a shame that all of our friends in Vancouver (Aunt Netta and Mark, Col and Em, Bruce and Telle ) had to endure such embarrassing nonsense but I'll take happily take the photo as a kind of sweet, and inspiring retribution.
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