The Zoey Blog: Game Six Love Connection FINAL - COVER UNIVERSE EXPLORERS ORDER

Monday, May 9, 2011

Game Six Love Connection


Watching Game 6 of the Canucks - Predators series tonight...Zed in her Canucks jersey, and Dad in his...and Zoey and Debu suddenly and strangely came to some kind of affection accord. They cuddled together on the couch, and it was so cute I nearly soiled myself. Normally Zo scares Debu senseless. He's lost weight. His hair falls out. He cries himself to sleep at night. Oddly, all that's behind them, and they're friends suddenly. Weird.

Zedder and Debu - May 9, 2011

After her bath Zed tossed on her Canucks sweater, the one that Aunt Netta bought her so that her and Dad could watch the game together. At that point Debu joined in on the fun and Dad didn't count half as much as the cat. Such is the plight of Daddy's. We don't stand a damn chance against a purring, cuddling cat. No friggin' way. We did, however, find ourselves in complete agreement about one thing...the Sedin twins are annoying as $#%&.


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