The Zoey Blog: Unanimous Vote For Coolest Place to Play in the 'Hood FINAL - COVER UNIVERSE EXPLORERS ORDER

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Unanimous Vote For Coolest Place to Play in the 'Hood


After a less than harrowing excursion into the absolute wasteland of East New York ghetto, we limped back to the Brooklyn Children's Museum where the original plan was to soak up some more Cowgerbell, and absorb all of the unbelievable energy that emanates from places like this. There were dinosaurs...frikkin' dinosaurs, man. If you can't get a bit of a kick out of a place like this you were probably never a kid, maybe just skipped right on over a decade or so and went from infant straight to surly teenager. You can ride stationary Vespas here for God's sake! What can you possibly find uncool about that.


The Brooklyn Children's Museum was worth TOTALLY worth risking our lives for. It was awesome...easily one of the coolest and best kids only places I've ever seen. Zo had herself a ridiculous time. We didn't end up with many Cowger minutes because of our tragic directional disability, but what time we had was fun, fun, fun, 'til Daddy takes the Cutlass Supreme complete with spinners and thumpin' sound system away. There were play areas that shook grown ups imaginations, water, sand, play equipment, cool false storefronts to play in, like a pizza parlor and a bakery, and...and...and...endless damn ands in every direction.


Zo got wet...and baked bread...


And played audio engineer...


She tore the place up. If you have no intention of ever going to the Brooklyn Children's Museum then I just feel bad for you. You should probably bring a kid with you but it's not entirely necessary. A kid in tow would probably make it more fun, and certainly keep people from calling the cops on you.



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