The Zoey Blog: Despicable Me...Adorable You FINAL - COVER UNIVERSE EXPLORERS ORDER

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Despicable Me...Adorable You


We're starting to find more top to bottom joy in soaking up weekend evenings with Zed than we ever could on our own. When we settle in as a family and watch a movie, or dance on the kitchen floor it feels the way it's supposed to be, not as though we're searching for's the most natural fun we ever have. I'm surprised by the number of parents who just have to sneak away from their funsters to find fun. I mean, I get it...we like to sneak off to a Red Wings game or a Pistons game etc...but then we always end up feeling a little empty. It's important to find that time for ourselves, we know, but it always feels as though we're missing something when we leave Zed behind.

Tonight we started watching Despicable Me and although Zo managed about half of the movie, it wasn't long before she was fast asleep in Mom's arms. Kinda makes going out without her seem nowhere near as good as this...


We've been waiting for the kind of Zed that falls asleep on us. She never really has, aside from when she was a baby. We've been waiting for this Zo for a long time. Much more than glad that we stayed in tonight rather than sneak off visiting, and although Baachan was disappointed that she didn't get to steal Zo for a night, we got the absolute lame-o parental joy of snapping a pic or two of this pretty big moment. Zedder asleep on doesn't happen all that often, in fact barely ever. Kinda worth disappointing Baachan.


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