The Zoey Blog: They're gonna make you feel stupid eventually... FINAL - COVER UNIVERSE EXPLORERS ORDER

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

They're gonna make you feel stupid eventually...

Zedder is ridiculously computer savvy for a seventeen month old. When she watches YouTube clips (her and Corey would be best buddies) she knows that the space bar will both pause and play the video. That's what we watch mostly, Sesame Street clips, and just recently we downloaded at least a dozen Electric Company special episodes at iTunes. Go get some yourself. Why not? Your kid is going to be more computer savvy than you are by the time they're in the 2nd Grade, no sense in avoiding that inevitable result. Get 'em comfy. Zo sure settles in easy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

looks like you have a little computer junkie on your hands guys AVE

June 17, 2010 at 10:42 PM  

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