The Zoey Blog: If you were to ask me what I believe in... FINAL - COVER UNIVERSE EXPLORERS ORDER

Monday, April 19, 2010

If you were to ask me what I believe in...

Here is your totally unsolicited soapbox oration of the week...

I don't know why, but from a very young age I’ve really believed in some things. Not an overwhelming number of inconsequential little this and thats, I mean I wasn't out hugging trees, although I loved trees very much. I just believed very strongly in certain things, some very important things, I think. As I grew, these beliefs grew with me. Like I said, I don't know where this came from. Many of them certainly vary from the belief systems of a lot of my most obvious influences, but nevertheless, they're firmly ingrained in who I am and I'm probably not going to suddenly lose my conscience or commitment.

I believe that none of us is an accident, that we all have potential and purpose. We can deny ourselves reaching that potential and purpose. We can even be denied reaching that potential and purpose by others, but we cannot deny the existence of that potential and purpose.

I believe, as part of this purpose, we are born to relate to the others around us, to enjoy spending time with others, talking with each other, listening to each other, and having consideration for each other. I believe that spending time with other people is a ridiculously joyous thing. We can deny ourselves this joy. We can be denied this joy, but we cannot deny the existence of this joy.

I believe, as part of this joy, we are born to share, to enjoy communal and co-operative participation in things. In sharing, we make ourselves vulnerable. And in that vulnerability is joy. I think that this vulnerability and joy inhabit all our relationships, or they should.

I believe, as part of this vulnerability, we are born to learn while relating to the people around us, to learn while sharing, to learn while making ourselves vulnerable. Learning involves doing new things. Sometimes the new things are called failures, sometimes they are called successes. We should celebrate both.

I believe that doing all this: learning, loving, sharing, socialising: it’s called living. I believe that anything that stops us from reaching and extending our potential and purpose is wrong; I believe that anything that stops us from relating to others is wrong; I believe that anything that stops us from sharing is wrong; I believe that anything that stops us from learning is wrong.

I believe that, seen from this perspective, there are many things that are wrong with this world, and that it's not a very fair place, but also, that we have the power to change things.

It isn't just important to remember who you are but to imagine you who could and should be.

There...that's it. That's all.

Now that I've gotten that off of my chest...I wish I was at home playing with these two girls today.


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