Zedder's First Christmas Goes Off!

Zoey's first Christmas found a frog resting under her tree...
The Zedder woke up at 7am with an impressive gift for all of us. Her first Christmas poop was a doozy and just in time for the rest of the house to arise. Merry Christmas from Zoey's super-efficient digestive tract!
June and Zo woke up Baachan and Grandad, then slipped on over to wake Aunt Netta and Uncle Ian before everyone slipped downstairs to see if Santa came. He did...despite Uncle Ian's horribly naughty year. Zo went straight for the tree and couldn't have ignored the giant plush frog underneath it if she tried. She was pretty happy with her first gift on her first Christmas morning.

Zedder making friendly with her new nameless good friend...frog.
It took her awhile to get the gist of ripping a present apart but with a little help she managed it, and what a haul! By the time she finished up with Baachan and Grandad's tree she scooted over to Grandma's and tore apart some more gifts. By the end of the day her stuffed animal count was over six, maybe even seven, she scored no less than four or five frogs, tore open something like ten or eleven books, and generally robbed the people that love her blind. Smart kid.

Grandma and Zo rippin' 'em open...
It was a laid back and fun first Christmas for the Zed...nothing too crazy, just a lot of family, some impressive walking, a bunch of talking, even breaking down some barriers with Uncle Ian. Zo was a little hesitant to get close to a fairly unfamiliar Uncle Ian...living 24 hours away makes it difficult to bond with your niece but after two days of making strange and even a few tears we broke from Christmas dinner to find Zo and Uncle Ian playing on the floor. It was cuter than the dimples on Zed's butt.

Uncle Ian and Zedder friendifying with some fridge fun.
Zo got to reap the benefits of Aunt Anette flying home from Vancouver, Uncle Ian driving home from the bloody Arctic Circle, and both sets of grandparents living approx. five blocks apart from one another. The only bummer of the day was that her cousins Brent, Avery, and Reece, and her Uncle Brad and Aunt Heather were off enjoying Florida just one week after we did the same. It would have been nice to celebrate together but then Zoey was also spared Hurricane Reece on her first Christmas. He might have frightened her off of Christmas for the rest of her life. Whew...potential Christmas crisis averted.
And the day is done.

First Christmas's make for long days for new parents...looong days.
Top Five Christmas Gifts of 2009
5. Frank Sinatra Live at the Sands LP - Dad
4. Personalized Vancouver Canucks jersey - Netta
3. Sesame Street 40th Anniversary DVD and Book - Dad
2. Giant stuffed frog - Zoey
1. Poo box (don't ask) - Debu
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