Rainy Day People...

Some awesome wedding day bliss via Braedon Photography
So I stumbled into this rad photo (apologies on the random use of the term rad but it just might be my new favorite) over at Once Wed...it was a link that launched me over to another link and then from there I slipped on over to another...ahhh to hell with explaining it. I honestly did stumble into it, I wasn't off perusing wedding sites like some freak/weirdo. The photographer is Braedon, naturally of Braedon Photography, and the guy is mega-talented. Anyway, it got me to thinking about what an absolutely kick a#% wedding June and I enjoyed. It was nothing like the blissful soakers these two cool kids are smiling heartily through, but it was pretty damn ring a ding (sorry, another new favorite...thanks Frank, Sammy, Dino).
To make a long story waaay shorter than it should be, we shot off to New York...our home away from home it seems, and almost as fast as we landed shot down to city hall for our permit. With money in our pockets and 24 hours between registering and saying "I do, we hit the town and spent it in great big gobs. Then with only ourselves and a hired photographer we got by recommendation, BLAM...I do, and walked away from the that looming building and out into the New York street married. We wandered down to the Brooklyn Bridge and then hopped on the subway for the Village...wandered some more and the whole time, very much like this fella in the above pic, I was floating. Grooms don't typically float but I did that day. Aside from a few of the people we love most not being able to be there it was near perfect (I have the sweetest most melt your heart ever story from that walk out into the bright September sunshine from City Hall but you can hit me with a message if you want to hear it, I won't blather on here and now).
Anyway, I stumbled into that awesome photo by Braedon and it instantly reminded me of that day and night in New York when at least one groom (and as Braedon's photo attests, there are certainly more than one of us) floated around the city like a smitten school girl. It can happen to us fellas when we least expect it. The trick is in the time and place, the girl is right or you wouldn't be doing it...time and place fellas, time and place. It gave new meaning to Ali's brazen notion of, "float like a butterfly..." Float you will, indeed.
I want the sunshine story, of course! I love all your stories, I have learned this quickly!
I was worried the whole time that June wasn't getting that traditional bride experience and that it might be something on her mind -- all that attention, "her" day etc... -- but then we walked out of city hall and out into the street and this tiny little girl, maybe 8 or 9, and stunning, with this unruly, wild afro and her little school skirt and white shirt etc...She had on a little backpack and was just trucking home from school all by herself on this busy NTC street when she sees June and stops cold in her tracks. I saw her but I don't think June did. We kept walking and she walks right over to us and steps right in front of JUne and stares up at her all wide eyed. "You look beautiful," she said. I looked over at June and she had tears in her eyes. After that I didn't worry about June missing out on anything. This little girl looked like she fell out of a J Crew catalogue. She was beautiful, and so sweet, and I think she made June's decade.
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