Flight #5 and Zedder is still the Undisputed Champ

Zo and Dad enjoying some in-flight distraction.
So a 10 AM flight isn't very early but it can sure feel like it when you're dragging a ten month old funster with you and you live 150 km from the airport. Fortunately for us the morning went well and before we could say, "what's for lunch," we were in Orlando.
We were supposed to be headed to NYC but the recent cold snap made us reconsider. We hastily booked into Orlando and BLAM...palm trees, a mouse, and a Chris Isaak concert happening at Universal tonight. Life is what you make it...make it good.
Zo was a veritable champ on the flight down. She had some minor issues but was very much back to her old Hawaiian form and was a fine travel companion. She made friends with at least a half dozen people around us and even went as far as sneaking into the seats across the aisle with a kind and tolerant family. She wormed her way in between a Mom and her daughter, Megan, and proceeded to hang out and play. It was simultaneously embarrassing and the cutest thing that you ever saw. She made so many friends on the plane that when we disembarked we heard a chorus of, "bye Zoey."

Someone is too cute for her own good.
Rest tonight...endless possibilities tomorrow...well, endless if you consider sleeping by the pool and swimming with your daughter endless.
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