The Zoey Blog: The grass is always greener when Zo's in the photo... FINAL - COVER UNIVERSE EXPLORERS ORDER

Monday, September 14, 2009

The grass is always greener when Zo's in the photo...

week 34 - checking out her finger again
We have a feeling that Zo might be a bit of a "flower picker" when she starts playing 'ball.

Summer arrived a little late in these parts but no one is complaining, especially not Zoey. She's been a back yard bambino since the sun started to shine around here, which was really just a week or two ago. She's getting over her aversion to grass and it seems like our ant problem has lessened a little so the Zedder is out and about every chance she gets. She's super mobile now so it's hard to keep her from doing anything she really wants to do. Once this little funster puts her mind to it you're pretty much at her mercy. It's pretty funny. We don't give in to her but we fall away laughing at her conviction to things.

Every day things get a little easier despite her over-the-top super stubborn attitude. All of us are more capable every day, and it feels cool to be developing at the same rate in terms of new experiences. For her, everything is absolutely new...for us, everything is just different, but both require a learning curve and even something as silly as backyard playing is something we get good at together. It's funny how she started off this latest development stage (this whole 6-7 month deal) on a beach in Hawaii so she really learned how to hang out in the sand before she got the hang of grass, which is a pretty cool story in itself. Not every kid learns to play outside on a beach in O'ahu.

week 34 - first dandelion
Le Zed discovering her very first dandelion...she's obviously enthralled.

She's a pretty attentive kid. She notices everything -- boats, airplanes, bugs, butterflies, the sound of the waves, the wind blowing through the trees, even distant trains -- and she's a lucky little girl what with the dozen or so domestic rabbits that wander wild in her yard. She even watches the seagulls and just tonight met her first toad. She liked him. Like I said, she's gotten over her aversion to grass and this backyard of hers is quickly becoming her favorite place.

week 34 - playing on the picnic table
Ain't no mountain high enough...

Like most parents, we do our best t let her discover things on her own and we really only get in her way when you can see the stitches before they happen. Letting her fall flat has been something that just happened more than it was something we practiced, but we certainly don't want any take backs. She's fine exploring this relatively new world and aside from our urge to buy her a helmet on occasion she's no worse for the wear. I'm still waiting for her first grass stains on her jeans. That's gonna be a big moment for her Dad.


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