The Zoey Blog: Magical Midwife Makes it Snow! Seriously. FINAL - COVER UNIVERSE EXPLORERS ORDER

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Magical Midwife Makes it Snow! Seriously.

We had a midwife appointment of those "holy shnit, it's almost time" type deals...and when we arrived it was cold and dry outside but when we came out of that informational blitzkrieg there was an inch of snow on the ground and great big gobs of more was still falling. That Cynthia (our uber-fun and kind midwife) is magic! Magic, I tell ya.

I was thinking that the change in weather was very symbolic of the obvious change we're about to welcome into our world, you know...all clear skies and easy going, then some suddenly some slippery steering but nothing that isn't manageable if you're paying attention and careful with what you're doing. Sounds pretty good huh? Yeah, well I never really thought that. I just made it up right now as I was typing. Sounds pretty damn good though, doesn't it?

All is well with Junelli...June is happy and healthy, measuring just about right (previously we were a little pre-occupied that le bebe was going to be big but our concerns were eased a bunch tonight) and Elli seems to be making all the right moves and matching Mom step for step in terms of health and happiness. She's awfully comfy in there despite the squished quarters. She's certainly not going to be a little 6-7lbs here but she's not the WNBA athlete we were envisioning either.

Here's the crazy it seems June is officially "at term" anywhere from December 28th onward...WHAT? Meaning if little Elli wanted to come meet her parents a little earlier than expected she'd be fine to do so. That's two freakin' weeks from now! That's crazy! On the flip side she'll be no later than January 28th either. If she decides to stick around in uteral comfort (uteral should totally be a word) well past her January 18th due date then June'll have to be induced no later than the 28th of Jan. So it seems we've got ourselves a little better timeline of what's to come. That doesn't explain all that snow though. I tell ya...magic. I'm not sure how she did it but I trust the hell out of her now. That's some crazy trick.


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