The Zoey Blog: Carl Jung makes some kick @#$ kids books... FINAL - COVER UNIVERSE EXPLORERS ORDER

Monday, December 1, 2008

Carl Jung makes some kick @#$ kids books...

So we're innocently perusing children's books 'cause, you know, that's what we do around here these days, at least when baseball season is over and a baby is on the way...and we spot this really great artwork by Seonna Hong, I mean beautiful artwork in a kid friendly kind of way. Turns out that artwork belongs to a really great book titled "Animus" about a young girl meeting her fears and navigating her way 'round a seemingly vicious dog. It embraces the notion that some bullies are destined to remain bullies no matter how hard one tries to change them and that information alone, especially as accessible as it is made here is worthy of a sigh or two. The book is the coolest pop-up book we've ever seen and the story is both sweet and super educational. All cucumber-esque in it's coolness right? But the gnawing knowledge that "Animus" is what Carl Jung defined as the archetype in a woman that represents her male alter ego is a little off-putting. Animus is the personification of the masculine qualities in a woman's psyche according to Jung. How'd we know that? Don't ask, we've got some wandering interests outside of the Boston Red Sox, the Edmonton Oilers, and Dean Martin roasts...regardless of how we knew that little bit of arcane information it does seem somewhat strange that one of the cutest children's books we've come across in our most recent fixation with children's books is all twisted up in analytical psychology. A little odd.

That kinda weirds us out and so although we'll more than likely purchase the book we may also spend a great deal more time pouring over the pages of Curious George books. There's no connection between the man in the yellow hat, a monkey and any psychological theory or school of thought as far as we know. There are certainly questions to be posed with regard to why Curious George became such a treasure and a staple in the literary diets of children all over the western world ('cause every one of those Curious George books sucks) but there's no direct and overt connection to late twentieth century Swiss psychologists and that comforts us.

We sure wish we could get some Seonna Hong art for Elli's room though, even if she does write subversive children's books laden with subliminal psychological references, she's still a pretty kick @$% artist, certainly not as good of an artist as Carl Jung is at writing children's books but close.

By the way, no matter how many times we read it we always pronounce "Jung" exactly as it's printed and laugh out loud..."Carl Yung my butt...that #$%& is pronounced J-U-N-G... oh man, that's funny.


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